About Us
Patrick & Paul are a couple of Operational Guys who are also passionate about Safety. With extensive experience gained over years of heavy industry and Process Systems delivery the Boys thought they had something to offer small to medium sized Business in Tasmania by being able to lend a hand with Safety Compliance, Safety Plans and Assessments, Safety Administration and Safety Training systems tailored to your needs.
We have direct experience in Mining and Remote Operations and offer a full suite of services from Induction to Toolbox Meetings to Safety Plans. Guided by Pat’s many years in Above & Underground mining, along with Pat’s assessments and our individualised systems, we will quickly and without fuss have a compliant and operational Safety Plan that can stand the most stringent audit requirements ready for your use and ongoing operation.
Our Systems and Compliance creation is handled by Paul who comes from “Health & Safety” within National Corporations and other Private Sector Operations from Heavy Industry to Process Control and Facilities Management. Applying systems and procedures that have been tested and certified to ISO45001:2018 standards will ensure you tick the box when it comes to Compliance and Legislative Obligations.
Together Pat and Paul can also offer Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis services as Certified Incident Investigators and we will ensure you get to the bottom of what happened when incidents occur.
We nearly forgot to mention, our fully Qualified Adult Educator created training programs, for both online and face to face learning, will ensure your entire Team is On the Ball as far as Safety Goes.